Chemical Industry is a broad category that includes various industries such as organic and inorganic base materials and chemicals, fertilizers, colours, plastics, pharmaceuticals, explosive substances, cleaning materials and cosmetics
Certain chemicals are easily flammable and are often also sensitive to fire risks from mechanical faults. Sparks, glowing embers or overheating may occur which can easily cause serious fire and explosions. Sources of fire risks exist in the entire production process in the chemical industry. Sparks can be caused by foreign bodies in the mill or by defective machine parts. Overheating often occurs in the dryer area. If the source of ignition reaches filters, silos or bins via extraction and conveying facilities, they can cause serious fire incidents.
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India’s pharmaceutical industry revolves around “bulk drug manufacturing units” dealing with hazardous chemicals with very low flash points, “formulation units” and large “warehouses” storing raw materials and finished products. Highly flammable solvents in reactors and centrifuge expose “bulk drug manufacturing units” to high degrees of fire and explosion risks. Chemical leaks from storage plants could also trigger fire accidents.
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